Cam Banks erwirbt Lizenz für Cortex und Cortex Plus von MWP


18. März 2004
Eine GUTE Nachricht für alle Cortex-Plus-Freunde: Cam Banks, der führende Entwickler der Cortex-Plus-Systemfamilie, erwirbt für seinen eigenen Verlag die Lizenz für Cortex Plus und das alte Cortex von MWP.

Tabletop RPG designer Cam Banks licenses Cortex™ from Margaret Weis Productions, announces new design studio Magic Vacuum

Saint Paul, November 1, 2016 - Margaret Weis Productions (MWP) and Cam Banks are thrilled to announce that Banks has signed an agreement to license the Cortex Plus™ and Cortex Classic™ rule systems. Under terms of the agreement, Banks and his new design studio Magic Vacuum are taking over the design, development, and publishing of games based on these rules and spearhead the development and crowdfunding of new core rulebooks for 2017 and beyond.

This announcement coincides with Margaret’s retirement from RPG development to focus on her current novel and film projects. Banks is taking up the reins to develop and ensure Cortex Plus™ fans receive the foundational rulebooks for the Cortex Plus Creator Studio as well as new RPGs based on the system.

Margaret Weis stated, “I couldn’t be more pleased to entrust Cortex to Cam. I have every confidence fans expectations will not only be met, but exceeded by his new design studio Magic Vacuum.”

"I'm proud to take on the role of publisher for the Cortex Plus system going forward," said Cam Banks. "I spent the formative period of my game design career working for Margaret, and nobody knows Cortex Plus like I do. I know I can deliver the kind of worlds, stories, and core rules the fans have been asking for since we first published Cortex Plus games at MWP."

Damit können nächstes Jahr endlich neue Produkte, vor allem endlich eigenständige Grundregelwerke, erscheinen!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Vor kurzem gab es ja die Ankündigung, daß Cam Banks, der eigentliche kreative Kopf hinter Margaret Weis Productions Cortex Plus-Rollenspielen, von MWP die Lizenz für die Weiterentwicklung und Fortführung von Cortex Plus erhalten hat.
In dem hier verlinkten Artikel gibt es ein paar Worte von Cam selbst, wie er sich die Zukunft von Cortex Plus vorstellt.
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