Fallout Offizielles Fallout-PnP


2. Juni 2008
Heute kam die E-Mail mit der Ankündigung. Das Rollenspiel soll mit dem Tabletop kombinierbar sein.



Designed for 1 Gamemaster and up to 6 players, aged 14 and up.

Build your crew from a wide range of factions, allies and iconic characters from the Fallout series, or even create your own, and play in apocalyptic roleplaying adventures across the wasteland.

The Roleplaying Game Expansion will let players take the popular narrative experience of the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare miniatures game even further, by expanding their collection. Alternatively, it can be played as a standalone product using free downloadable cards and a set of the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare dice available from all good gaming stores.

Players explore the desolate wasteland of the Fallout universe, fight terrifying mutated creatures and encounter the denizens who make the wasteland their home. Delve into abandoned Vaults, ruined cities, strange facilities, and antiquated military bases.

Encounter Super Mutants, Raiders, Survivors, Vault Dwellers, the Brotherhood of Steel, the Institute and the Enclave, and many more! Will you roam wide and far, or build up and protect your settlement? For those who want to create their own unique characters, use the faction based Archetype cards to start your own hero and see them grow from adventure to adventure.


  • Complete rules for tabletop roleplaying in the wasteland, based on the popular Fallout: Wasteland Warfare miniatures game.

  • Full rules for character creation, archetypes and original player ideas alongside existing characters from the Fallout universe.

  • Packed with lots of full colour photographic scenes of the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare range to inspire your adventures!

  • Interact with familiar characters and creatures drawn from the world of Fallout.

  • Background on the locations and factions that players can encounter.

  • Three free adventures in a linked campaign or for use as one-shot missions to support Gamemasters.

  • Guidance for players to build their settlement as a base of operations.

  • Advice and tools to help gamemasters create and run exciting new adventures in the Fallout universe.

Watch out for the blue and gold Vault Tec Collector’s Edition or the standard Sole Survivor Edition!

Every copy of the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Roleplaying Game will come with a code to get you a set of free downloadable files:

  • PDF copy of the rulebook
  • Character cards from Fallout: Wasteland Warfare
  • Weapon cards from Fallout: Wasteland Warfare
  • Character Archetype cards
  • Character Playmat

This is designed as an expansion for the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Two Player Starter Box however a complete stand-alone boxed set will be available for Christmas including cards, dice, and rulebook for those who prefer everything in one package!

For more information and to sign up for more news, visit:
Best wishes,

Modiphius Entertainment

The Fallout: Wasteland Warfare roleplaying game expansion will build on the narrative wargame experience of the tabletop miniatures game, and will include new rules for character creation, creating adventures in the wasteland, and more.

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare game designer James Sheahan is developing the roleplaying game expansion, that will let you explore the desolate wasteland of the Fallout universe, fight terrifying mutated creatures and encounter the denizens who make the wasteland their home.

Delve into abandoned Vaults, ruined cities, strange facilities, and antiquated military bases. Encounter Super Mutants, Raiders, Survivors, Vault Dwellers, the Brotherhood of Steel, the Institute and the Enclave, and many more! Will you roam wide and far, or build up and protect your settlement? For those who want to create their own unique characters, use the faction based Archetype cards to start your own hero and see them grow from adventure to adventure.

Modiphius are developing two unique tabletop roleplaying game products based on the Fallout® videogame franchise. The first expanding on the narrative wargame experience of Fallout: Wasteland Warfare, their licensed tabletop miniatures game, while a second more traditional tabletop RPG will follow using the company’s 2d20 System (as seen in Mutant Chronicles, Infinity, Conan, Star Trek Adventures, and John Carter of Mars) in 2020.
Build your crew from a wide range of factions, allies and iconic characters from the FALLOUT series, or even create your own, and play in apocalyptic roleplaying adventures across the wasteland!
Designed for 1 Gamemaster and up to 6 players, aged 14+

The Roleplaying Game Expansion will let players take the popular narrative experience of the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare miniatures game even further, by expanding their collection. Alternatively, it can be played as a standalone product using free downloadable cards and a set of the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare dice available from all good gaming stores.
  • Complete rules for tabletop roleplaying in the wasteland, based on the popular Fallout: Wasteland Warfare miniatures game.
  • Full rules for character creation, archetypes and original player ideas alongside existing characters from the Fallout universe.
  • Packed with lots of full colour photographic scenes of the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare range to inspire your adventures!
  • Interact with familiar characters and creatures drawn from the world of Fallout.
  • Background on the locations and factions that players can encounter.
  • Three free adventures in a linked campaign or for use as one-shot missions to support Gamemasters
  • Guidance for players to build their settlement as a base of operations
  • Advice and tools to help gamemasters create and run exciting new adventures in the Fallout universe.

Every copy of the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Roleplaying Game will come with a code to get you a set of free downloadable files:
- PDF copy of the rulebook
- Character cards from Fallout: Wasteland Warfare
- Weapon cards from Fallout: Wasteland Warfare
- Character Archetype cards
- Character Playmat.
The book is designed as an expansion for the Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Two Player Starter Box however a complete stand-alone boxed set will be available for Christmas including cards, dice, and rulebook for those who prefer everything in one package!

Fallout: Wasteland Warfare roleplaying expansion
Sole Survivor Edition

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Bis man das als ROLLENSPIEL spielen kann, dauert es ja noch - bis 2020. - Vorher sind erst einmal die Miniaturenschubser dran.

Ich hoffe ja, daß sie Fallout 2d20 NICHT in der "billig"-2d20-Version gestalten, die sie für John Carter und Star Trek Adventures genommen haben. Die ist nämlich wirklich zu dünn.
Fallout-Conversions gibt es so viele, wie es generische Regelsysteme gibt - und dann noch welche. Das kann und konnte man doch eh schon immer machen.
Interesse ist vorhanden.
Am liebsten aber auf deutsch...
Und dann die Frage was vom Setting alles abgebildet werden soll.
Und die Regeln - 2d20 kenn ich nicht, aber ich werd da zunehmend empfindlicher, was schlechte Regeln angeht.
Oben Unten